Tune in to Classic 107 Monday morning when guest host Simeon Rusnak will be talking to Danielle Pahud, an instructor in the Department of Astronomy at the University of Manitoba. She'll give us a solar eclipse 101. Then right up until the big event we'll serenade you with music inspired by the cosmos from Haydn, Hovhaness, Holst and more! Missed it? Watch the video here!

Tune in Monday morning at 8:30 AM when University of Manitoba instructor Danielle Pahud will be Simeon Rusnak's guest on Morning Light to talk about the solar eclipse and everything we can expect.

At 9:00 AM Simeon will begin the countdown with Haydn's Sunrise Quartet.

In the 11 o'clock hour Chris Wolf will play Alan Hovhaness' Symphony No. 48 'Visions of Andromeda'.













During the noon hour we'll be treated to a bit of Haydn's Creation along with a few nods to some of our favourite space movies.


Then at about a quarter to one, Gustav Holst will takes us up to the big event at 12:57 PM with The Planets.



Whether you're at home, work or one of the many cool solar eclipse viewing parties, make sure you're being safe, and enhance your experience with Classic 107!---Your soundtrack to the 2017 Solar Eclipse!

