Morning Light host Michael Wolch brings us some Klezmer talk with Lorin.

This weekend (Oct 10 & 11) is the inaugural KlezFest, a weekend celebrating the Jewish Soul Music known as Klezmer. One of the featured bands is New York's Grammy Award-winning band Klezmatics, still going strong after almost 30 years.

I had the chance to catch up with the lead singer, mulit-instrumentalist and co-founder of the group Lorin Sklamberg before his show here in town.

One of the things that stood out from our conversation was his knowledge of not only Klezmer music and its roots, but how well-versed he was in other genres like Classical and Jazz. A highlight of our chat was his experience recording and performing with the legendary Classical violinist Itzhak Perlman!

Listen below to the whole interview. I started off by asking Lorin if he remembered the first time he heard Klezmer music.



This weekend the Rady JCC presents KlezFest! Winnpeg's first ever Klezmer music festival. For two days, Saturday (Oct 10) & Sunday (Oct 11) you can catch concerts and workshops featuring award winning Klezmer musicians from New York, Montreal and right here in Winnipeg. It all starts Saturday night with the Grammy Award winning Klezmer band The Klezmatics. For more information and tickets click on the link or call 204.477.7510.

                                                                                                                                                                                      - Michael Wolch