Brought to you by Bonaventure Travel, The Wide World of Classical Music takes you on another journey this Saturday noon - 6:00pm. 



As we get set to wrap up another month of shows, I will quote a song by Billy Joel: "before we end and then begin, let's drink a toast to how it's been." It comes from one of my favourite Billy Joel songs called "I've Loved These Days."

No, I'm not going to play any Billy Joel this weekend, but I like that quote as a way to honour the past, look forward to the future and live in the present. That's how I look at the music each week when I program the show. This week for example we will look back to the Baroque and Romantic eras; have fun with some operetta from the early 1900's; feature contemporary pianists like Yiruma and contemporary composers such as Joe Hisaishi. There is great music to be found in every corner of the past and present and all aorund the world. So, it's not just about dead, white guys! Although I will play you some Tchaikovsky, Mahler and Chopin.


Here are a few appetizers to whet your appetite:





It's The Wide World of Classical Music, brought to you by Bonaventure Travel, every Saturday noon - 6:00pm.