Craig Street Cats is gearing up for one of its biggest fundraisers of the year. 

The annual Viscount Gort Whisker Walk for Craig Street Cats will take place on June. 4, 2017.

Along with being one of the shelter's largest fundraisers, this year's Whisker Walk will also be meaningful for another reason. 

"This year is a little special," said Craig Street Cats Executive Director Lynne Scott. "Tia is the very first kitten we ever rescued and she is turning 10 this year so this year's Whisker Walk is a celebration of her birthday and marks 10 years of us working with community cats." 

The event starts with a walk around the Wolseley-Wellington Loop and finishes with breakfast at the Viscount Gort. 

Scott says the Whisker Walk is one of their most important events. 

"Our target is $50,000 and that will keep our programs running through the summer," said Scott. "The sad but true is come the end of June people head off for vacation, kids are out of school, they're travelling and camping and not thinking about making donations to programs that go on through the summer, so the donations tend to dry up through July and August." 

"Without a large event like this to provide funds we would not be able to continue our programs in the summer which is our time of greatest need," Scott continued. "It's kitten season, right now about 300,000 kittens are being born in Winnipeg and without the money to continue our programs we won't be able to continue the kitten rescue we want to do in the future." 

Registration is $15 per person and there is a number of prizes for teams and people who raise the most money. Breakfast at the hotel is included with the registration fee. 

To sign up or learn more, visit