Joining Winnipeg's recent emergency alert announcement, the Province of Manitoba is adding wireless texting alerts to its emergency services.

Alert Ready, Canada's public alerting system, is expanding emergency alerts to all compatible wireless devices starting April 6, 2018.

"The government of Manitoba has been preparing to expand the emergency public alerting system to the wireless world, enhancing the effectiveness to rapidly warn citizens of imminent or unfolding threats to life or safety," said Infrastructure Minister Ron Schuler in a statement.

Wireless devices with LTE capabilities will receive emergency alerts when they are issued in their area. Alerts have a distinct sound and vibration, and the emergency alert will display on the wireless device. Manitobans shouldn't have to worry about receiving a high number, as wireless service providers are only required to distribute threats that have the highest level of severity, urgency and certainty.

Minister Schuler wants to remind drivers that they are still not allowed to use smartphones while driving. Drivers should remain calm and pull over before checking the alert.

A public awareness test message will be sent to all compatible LTE phones on May 9 at 1:55 p.m. during National Emergency Preparedness Week.