Manitobans could be in for another six weeks of winter, according to Manitoba's groundhog.

Manitoba Merv, a groundhog puppet at Oak Hammock Marsh, saw his shadow as he gave his prediction Friday morning.

For the past three decades, Manitoba Merv has almost always correctly predicted the arrival of spring-like weather, with only a few mistakes along the way.

Oak Hammock Marsh says that although they believe in the abilities of a plush rodent to predict the arrival of spring, they say the best way to find out if we have an early spring is by looking for the arrival of the first Canada Geese. Recording the spring arrival of the first Canada Goose seen at Oak Hammock Marsh is an annual tradition.

Elsewhere, Ontario's Wiarton Willie and Nova Scotia's groundhog, Shubenacadie Sam both called for an early spring.

Pennsylvania's Punxsutawney Phil came out of his burrow in Gobbler's Knob and also did not see his shadow.

Groundhog Day started as a German legend where if a furry rodent casts a shadow on February 2nd, winter continues for six more weeks. If not, spring comes six weeks early.