Inspired by the Bear Clan Patrol, a group of Filipino residents in Winnipeg's Maples area have started a community watch group of their own.

Leila Castro, a founding member, says 204 Neighbourhood Watch started when a friend of some of the members posted on social media that his daughter had been robbed by two men carrying machetes.

Castro says it's time for them to take back their community.



The group has been learning from the Bear Clan Patrol, who have been teaching them how to handle coming across weapons and drug paraphernilia.

Castro says she went on a watch with Bear Clan members and was blown away by how involved they are in their community. She hopes her own group can do the same.

The Bear Clan Patrol focuses on the Point Douglas area, cleaning up drug paraphernilia and helping vulnerable people.

A Facebook group has been created for 204 Neighbourhood Watch. You can join it for more information.