It's the first show of August! Hope you can come along for the ride and enjoy the afternoon musical journey with host Michael Wolch. Check here for the music that will accompany you on your trip.   


I blinked. And July disappeared. It turned into August. What happened? Who stole July? Where did you put it!? Can it really be August already? I need more summer, more warmth, sunshine. I'm not ready to face the end of summer yet. Here is wishing August be like July and blanket us in the glow of the sun, Vitamin D, flowers, trees in full bloom and heavy, lumbering bumblebees laden with pollen. Amen.

Anyway, the first show of a new month means we celebrate composers born in August: Lecuona, Ponchielli, Coleridge-Taylor, Charlie Parker and more. We will spend some time with Baroque composers, Neo-Classical composers, and various corners of the globe, all within 6 hours! The miracles of modern radio.


Check these video out and see what you think?









It's The Wide World of Classical Music, every Saturday noon - 6:00pm, with your host Michael Wolch