The remaining forest fire evacuees from three Manitoba First Nations are expected to arrive at a second emergency shelter opened in Winnipeg.

The second shelter is at the Winnipeg Soccer North indoor complex on Leila Avenue. Evacuees started arriving there this morning.

Red Cross volunteer Bob Chochinov told reporters this morning they will be able to accommodate at least 900 people at the soccer complex shelter. At 9 this morning, about 300 cots were set up.

The first shelter was opened yesterday at Winnipeg's convention centre, and it can hold about 1,000 people.

A total of 3,200 evacuees from Wasagamack, St. Theresa Point, and Garden Hill are expected (down from an earlier number of 3,700). That's in addition to more than 800 people evacuated rom Poplar River last week. The Red Cross first took people to hotels in Brandon and Winnipeg, but opened the shelters due to limited hotel room availability.

Asked how long evacuees may be staying at the shelters, Chochinov said, "only the fire knows."

The soccer complex has showers, the convention centre does not. Chochinov says food services will be set up on the second floor (of the complex) and material services like diapers and baby formula will be provided as well. He also points out that a shopping centre and other facilities are nearby.