You may have noticed more wasps being a nuisance during outdoor dining these days.

That's because, according to Poulin's entomologist and director of technical operations Taz Stuart, it's the time of year when their natural food sources are starting to disappear.

"Aggressive is a good word," he says. "It's getting a little cooler at night, the sun's lower in the sky, and at the end of the day wasps (start) searching for... the sugars and the carbohydrates (from if), you know, you're making a steak or a burger or having a sweet pop or another drink; they're going to those food sources because their natural food sources are gone."

Stuart says wasps are social insects, and although they don't necessarily mark their territory, they may go tell their friends about the great food source they've found.



If you're going to swat at them, Stuart says keep calm and collected, and move slowly. He also recommends checking your drink before you go for a sip.



Stuart says wasps will eat anything that's a food source.